"The thing that I found so powerful about the Reduction/Expansion process is that you can quickly get to the root of what's going on with any problem, stuckness, or inner barrier. And not only that, but it allows you to integrate the issues in minutes so you can find new solutions and effortlessly move forward where you were once disempowered.. The other really powerful thing is that you don't have to rely on any outside experts. You don't need any other help except your own inner wisdom, and all you need is a piece of paper and a pen. When I use this process with clients it’s incredible to witness them getting to the root of what’s holding them back in a short amount of time and having a sustainable shift."
Carolyn Brown Registered Dietician & Co-Founder of Indigo Wellness Group
“I’ve gone through the full rapid rewire training program, and one of my favorite tools to use on myself is Reduction/Expansion. I love that I get to write everything down to be able to see what’s been holding me back with certain issues or patterns on paper, and to see the pivotal moment when the switch happens from negative to positive. This is a powerful process to gain a deeper understanding of myself and to quickly remove any internal blocks so that I can make a bigger impact in my businesses and in my life."
Christi Michelle ManosFractional Chief Operating Officer
“The Reduction/Expansion process is simple yet profoundly impactful. It’s incredible to witness the rapid shift with my own personal issues, and to have the capability to quickly and easily help another with their own breakthroughs with it. It’s a very empowering process that allows you to witness what’s actually the root cause holding you back so you can let it go for good and be truly free. The Reduction/Expansion tool is one of my favorites of the entire Rapid Rewire Method tools, and I know I can count on it to make a powerful transformation that sticks every time I use it.”
McKalin OlsenSenior Solutions Consultant
“I’ve been in the mindset and mental/trauma clearing space for a long time and there’s nothing you’re going to find that is as effective, fast, and easy to process and rewire as the Rapid Rewire Method. These tools are incredible at excavating and clearing the negative emotions that hold people back in a short period of time. I have personally discovered emotions I didn't even realize I needed to address. The breakthroughs I've had in reducing emotional reactions have been remarkable. This is the most practical, applicable, and simple way to deal with emotional charges.”
Mo BrossetteCPO/CEO of Brute Force Training & Youth Leadership Mindset Coach
“The Rapid Rewire Method is unlike anything I've experienced before. As an obsessive learner and experimenter with two decades of experience in psychology and personal development, nothing I have practiced has been more easily integrated, immediately effective, and life changing as this. In a handful of sessions I have healed cycles of anxiety, fear, and limiting beliefs that I have been struggling to make a permanent dent in for years. I now see my coping mechanisms and self destructive behaviors in a clear way that gives me power over my trauma-based survival cycles. My everyday levels of joy are through the roof.”